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Vident in Knurow

Opening hours:



1000 - 2000              

ul.Kazimierza Wielkiego 20A       

Tuesday 1000 - 2000 44-194 Knurów


1000 - 2000 tel.32 236 32 76
Thursday 1000 - 2000 email:   
Friday 1000 - 2000

                    Requires prior registration

Vident in Pilchowice

Opening hours: 



1500 - 2000               

ul.Gliwicka 28


1500 - 2000

44-145 Pilchowice     


1500 - 2000

tel. 606 513 506

 Saturday                     requires prior registration

What we do

For the highest satisfaction of our patients, we offer a full range of dental treatments - from preventive dentistry and dental care, through prosthetics, uncomplicated surgery, and ending with miniimplantology.
For the convenience of our patients we have a well-equipped X-ray lab (dental RVG with Cephalometric pantomogram), as well as a professional, high-quality printer for medical photographs.
Since 2001 we have also performed dental procedures under general anesthesia (intravenous).
In our laboratory X-ray images can be made for patients using the services of other dental or orthodontic offices, and print  digital photos on a high quality X-ray Kodak film  

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